How Can Men Get Yeast Infection?

There are quite a few factors that can cause yeast infection in men. Mostly, the good bacteria that maintains the yeast proportion in our digestion becomes unbalanced, allowing the yeast fungi to prosper and spread to other bits of the body. Yeast, aka Candida, routinely exists on healthy human skin and particularly in warm, wet places such as the mouth and genitals. I have listed a few factors that can cause male yeast infection.

One important factor of yeast infection in men is intensive use of antibiotic. Like women, the antibiotics will kill the friendly bacteria, over time, that maybe a standard component of the micro-organisms in your body. When this happens, there's far less competition for the yeast organisms thus, they begin to take over. The male body has the standard group of creatures that inhabit the crotch, and antibiotics can liberate the body of the best ones, allowing the recurring yeast to take over.

Recurring yeast infection may also be due to diabetes. Men who have diabetes have a greater risk of getting candida infection. This is because yeast feeds on certain sugars like glycogen and glucose. If the level of these sugar aren't controlled well and permitted to get high, then you'll likely experience a recurring yeast infection. If you have frequent yeast infections and have other signs of diabetes like you're always thirsty and you have got to urinate regularly, then you need to see a doctor.

Sexual Transmission
Sexual transmission is the third and most common cause of yeast infection. Yeast infections aren't considered as a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). But having an unprotected sex with an infected woman, yeast infection can be passed along. During sex, the males urethra is vulnerable and exposed to a yeast infection from an infected woman. A guy who's had sex with a girl who has an active yeast infection may acquire a penile yeast infection.

Men yeast infection most common causes are antibiotics, beer, sex, wheat products, corn products, peanuts, barley and an impaired immune system. Aside from antibiotics, the rest contribute to candida overgrowth by weakening the immune system , killing the good bacteria from the over astringency they produce in the intestinal tract. If a yeast infection is not treated, it may get worse and could leads the symptoms to be more significant. It will also spread to other parts of your body if the root infection isn't identified. If you find this post helpful, then this maybe your chance to completely cure your candida infection. Just click on the link above and you will get full access to a couple of tips on how I cured my yeast infections completely.

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